T.S.P. (Titano Stable Pool)

T.S.P. - Titano Stable Pool

In order to offer an additional revenue stream to its users and create an extra deflationary mechanism, the Titano team have created the T.S.P (Titano Stable Pool). The T.S.P. offers investors a high and variable APR with a major difference because in this staking system, the rewards are paid to investors in $BUSD tokens! As always, investing with Titano Finance is simple and safe. Users stake $TITANO tokens and receive a percentage of the $BUSD distribution. Users can monitor the rewards on the dapp and claim them at any time. Where do the $BUSD funds come from? The distributed $BUSD comes from a dedicated faucet contract.

Titano utilizes a portion of the revenue derived from Swych (DEX) to offer rewards to stakers in $BUSD daily. The funds are 100% self-sustaining. This means, for as long as Swych exists, the T.S.P. will be active and ready to deliver a stablecoin income to those that have deposited $TITANO. Deflationary Staking Pool As well as supporting holders of $TITANO, the T.S.P. is designed to support the Titano protocol with a simple but effective deflationary mechanism. 100% of the $TITANO rebases from the deposited funds will be burned. These burns will provide a significant contribution to the deflation of $TITANO which again benefits holders and the protocol health as a whole. Early exit fee To ensure and sustain the T.S.P., we have integrated an early exit fee similar to the one designed for the P.L.A.Y. protocol. This helps the system sustain a high interest rate for a longer or undefined period. The early exit fee decreases by 0.1% every day until it reaches zero in 365 days.

Early Exit Fee = 36,5% Early Exit Fee Period = 365 days

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